“When Calls The Heart” is a popular television series that has gained a dedicated fan base. Here are five intriguing facts about the show. Firstly, it is based on a book series written by Janette Oke. Secondly, the show is set in the early 20th century, offering a delightful period drama experience. Thirdly, the series has been renewed for a ninth season, proving its enduring popularity. Fourthly, the show’s production is centered in Vancouver, Canada, showcasing stunning scenery throughout. Lastly, “When Calls The Heart” boasts an active and enthusiastic fan community that actively engages with the show..
‘When Calls The Heart’: 5 Things About The Series You Might Not Know
“When Calls the Heart” is a beloved television series that has captivated audiences with its charming storyline set in a small Canadian coal-mining town in the early 1900s. While many fans are familiar with the show’s main characters and plotlines, there are some interesting facts that may surprise them. Firstly, the show is based on a book series by Janette Oke, providing abundant source material for the show’s creators. Secondly, the town of Hope Valley, where the series is set, is actually a real place in Canada. Thirdly, the show underwent a major cast change after actor Daniel Lissing left, prompting a new direction for the story. Lastly, the show has inspired a devoted fandom, with fans even calling themselves “Hearties” and participating in Hearties Family Reunions.
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