“Queen of the South” is a popular television series that follows the life of Teresa Mendoza, a woman who becomes a powerful drug lord. The main characters in the series are ranked based on intelligence. Starting from the least intelligent, we have the impulsive brute James Valdez, followed by his unpredictable and cunning boss Camila Vargas. Then, there is the resourceful loyalist Pote Galvez, who possesses street smarts. Ranking second is Teresa Mendoza herself, a quick-witted strategist who outsmarts her adversaries. Finally, the most intelligent character is Judge Lafayette, a genius manipulator who remains a step ahead of everyone. Overall, the show portrays a range of intelligence levels within its diverse cast of characters..
How does one run a drug empire and live long enough to reap the benefits of his labor? This is the Question Around Casting Queen of the South. Teresa Mendoza is the leader, but does that mean she’s the smartest? Did Camila Vargas do enough to claim the throne or was it Epifanio before she died?
While some of the characters are just muscular guys, that doesn’t mean they’re any less intelligent than the people they’re protecting. Characters like Porter and James have sometimes proven their worth. Others, such as Boaz and Cortes, regularly plotted. Intelligence can be a good thing, but it can be deadly if used for evil.
Javier Jimenez
Havel was not included because of his intellectual prowess. He knew he was never fit to be a boss like his cousin Boaz. Instead, he climbs the ranks with muscle and strength. Javier understands the importance of secrecy. He can study his prey and counter their movements.
He was a loyal soldier, and over time, he showed it by sacrificing his life for Teresa. Javier is beloved for his loyalty, but he is not one of the brightest. His death is as painful as Omar’s death wire do.
Porter Galvez
Like Javier, Potter was hired to keep Teresa safe. Initially, Potter was just a thug serving Epifanio. But he was there when Teresa needed him, and they’ve developed more of a sibling relationship over the years. Potter really possesses a degree of intelligence.
He can see everything that is about to happen and often warns Teresa when danger lurks. She probably won’t listen most of the time, but that doesn’t mean Potter isn’t smart.
King George
King George has connections, and although it doesn’t require much intellect, George is extremely valuable to Theresa’s organization. Despite his eccentric nature, King George was a sociable person. He knows what to say and when to say it. He is loyal but also very dangerous.
He knows everything about the sea, so he’s not as stupid as some people think. George is smart enough to play the role he’s supposed to, rather than looking for something unexpected.
James Valdez
James was to Camilla like Potter was to Theresa. But the problem with James is that he believes he’s smarter than all of them. Believing this, he often puts himself in situations where he needs help to get out. He’s a mercenary, but it’s hard to see himself that way.
Now that he’s back, what will he do with Teresa? James was a great soldier, but his lack of intelligence held him back. He must consider himself Javier or Potter. James has to learn how to play in his position. He wants to be the boss, but doesn’t have the intelligence to run an empire.
Kelly Anne
Kelly Ann is smarter than she thinks. She comes across as a space cadet, but keep in mind that Kelly Anne was a quick lawyer before marrying a lawyer. She played her part well, but even her betraying Teresa was a calculated move she was willing to make.
She managed to survive on her own before being returned to everyone’s circle. But now Teresa has put her in charge of running the books for her empire, and it shows not only her intelligence but also what others think of her as smart.
Alberto Cortez
Colonel Cortez is a complicated character Queen of the South. He stood between the fence of the gunmen and the hired boss. He makes decisions based on his expertise and knowledge of metals. He is good at reading people and understands how to get what he wants from them.
Despite his intelligence, he does not seek to reach Teresa’s level, which is his weakness. He’s too smart for his own good, because he doesn’t believe women can be smarter than he is.
Boaz Jimenez
Despite all his ruthlessness and thoughtfulness, Boaz is very intelligent. He became the boss not only by hard work and dedication but also by his heart. Running a Mexican drug cartel is no easy task, there is almost daily competition for your place, but Boaz has survived all the attacks. That says a lot about his ingenuity.
Even given the opportunity to leave Thessalonica while she was hospitalized, Boaz knew that in the long run it would be a wise decision. Fans thought he was going to make a big move, but he held back and obediently lined up. Smart People.
Camila Vargas
Between Camilla and Teresa, Queen of the South As it turns out, this is still a show led by strong and smart women. Camila saw an opportunity to work with Teresa and turned to the fence. What makes Camilla so dangerous is her lack of emotion.
She knew Teresa was a threat to her. Not physically, but commercially. Camilla’s actions are dramatic but also very intelligent. Her problem is her battle with her husband and her inability to control her daughter. Fans are still waiting for her next appearance.
Epifanio Vargas
Epifanio was king long before Camilla and Teresa decided to contest his throne. His downfall is not because of a lack of intelligence but because he shows too much mercy for his enemies. He absolutely did not want to attack his wife, so he made an excuse. As it happened, those seemingly excuses came back to bite him.
Running a gang is one thing, but doing it while the governor requires wits and ruthless thinking. Despite his death, Epifanio is not a character anyone should take lightly.
Teresa Mendoza
Teresa is the boss. She is the Queen of the South, so she is considered an important figure among others. Her actions at the outset of the show may have viewers questioning whether she deserves that title. But over the past two seasons, she has proven to be the brightest of the bunch.
Teresa is a mix of Stringer Bell and Avon Barksdale wire. While the two disagreed over their business dealings, Teresa managed to elegantly bring the two worlds together.
The content discusses the characters in the TV show “Queen of the South” and their intelligence in running a drug empire. The main character, Teresa Mendoza, is considered the leader, but the article questions if she is the smartest. Other characters, such as Camila Vargas, Epifanio Vargas, and Boaz Jimenez, are also discussed in terms of their intelligence and capabilities in the drug trade. Some characters are deemed intelligent but face challenges, while others underestimate their intelligence. Ultimately, Teresa is portrayed as the brightest and most successful in running the empire.
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