Ghostbusters: Afterlife is a forthcoming film that focuses on the notion of legacy. Set years after the events of the original Ghostbusters film, the story revolves around a single mother and her two children who move to a small town left behind by their grandfather. The family discovers their connection to the Ghostbusters and the supernatural occurrences that haunt the town. As they unravel the mysteries, they must also confront and continue the legacy of the iconic team. With a fresh perspective and new characters, this film promises to carry on the legacy of Ghostbusters while introducing a new generation to the beloved franchise..
Sony just released the official trailer for Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife, and the atmosphere is certainly looking a little darker than its predecessors, which were more comedic and campy. The tone feels similar to 80s nostalgia trips like Stranger Things and 2017’s It, but maybe that’s because of Finn Wolfhard’s presence. Reitman’s movie is ignoring Paul Feig’s 2016 female reboot of Ghostbusters, the narrative picking up 30 years after the sequel.
While certain viewers have certainly rejoiced at this news, others expressed concern at this erasure, feeling that this might be a creative step backwards, indulging in the nostalgia of the past instead of paving new ways forward. It remains to be seen which narrative track Ghostbusters: Afterlife will eventually take, but it certainly isn’t returning to the boys-only formula of the first two movies.
The team will comprise of two girls and two guys, with the young team picking up where the older generation left off. This narrative feature is especially apt given that Reitman himself is also taking up the mantle from his father Ivan Reitman, who directed the first two Ghostbusters movies. Besides Finn Wolfhard, the film also stars Carrie Coon, Mckenna Grace and Paul Rudd. Ghostbusters: Afterlife will be released in the Summer of 2020.
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Sony has released the official trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife, which has a darker atmosphere compared to its comedic predecessors. The tone is similar to 80s nostalgia trips like Stranger Things, possibly due to Finn Wolfhard’s presence. The movie ignores the 2016 female reboot and picks up 30 years after the sequel. Some viewers are excited about the change while others are concerned it’s a step backwards. The film will have a team of two girls and two guys, continuing where the older generation left off. Ghostbusters: Afterlife is set to release in the Summer of 2020.
Hashtags: #Ghostbusters #Afterlife #Legacy
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