“The Turning” trailer offers a glimpse into a modern adaptation of Henry James’ classic novella, “The Turn of the Screw.” Directed by Floria Sigismondi, the film follows the story of a young governess, Kate, who moves to a remote estate to care for two troubled orphans. As she attempts to unravel the dark secrets of the house, Kate begins experiencing terrifying supernatural occurrences. The trailer hints at the psychological thriller aspects and introduces mysterious characters played by Mackenzie Davis, Finn Wolfhard, and Brooklynn Prince. Overall, “The Turning” promises an intriguing and haunting reimagining of a beloved literary work..
Universal Pictures just released the official trailer for The Turning, starring Mackenzie Davies and Finn Wolfhard. The trailer doesn’t exactly reinvent the wheel, with creepy children and a scared governess, but with Davies and Wolfhard on board, it has a better chance of not bombing out at the box office.
Despite the trailer being released in October, which is the spookiest month of the year, the movie will not be out this month, coming to theatres January 24, 2020. As we know, January is not a good month for movies. It is the month after Christmas break, where people are generally returning to normal work routines, and school would be starting up again; no one is really thinking about watching a movie.
The Turning is a modern adaptation of the Henry James classic The Turn of the Screw, which is about a governess hired to take care of two children, and becomes convinced that the estate is haunted. It was previously adapted into the 1961 movie The Innocents. The Turn of the Screw will also be material for the second outing of Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House, named The Haunting of Bly Manor.
It seems that January is a popular month for Henry James adaptations, since the adaptation of The Aspern Papers got a limited US release in January this year. Coincidence? I think not.
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Universal Pictures has released the official trailer for The Turning, a modern adaptation of the Henry James classic The Turn of the Screw. The trailer features creepy children and a scared governess, making it a typical horror film. However, with Mackenzie Davies and Finn Wolfhard in the lead roles, it has a higher chance of success at the box office. Although the trailer was released in October, the movie will not hit theaters until January 2020, which is generally a slow month for movies. This adaptation coincides with another Henry James adaptation, The Haunting of Bly Manor, coming to Netflix.
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