Spider-Ham, the beloved animated character from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, will soon be starring in his own short film. Titled “Snuffles,” the short will follow the adventures of Spider-Ham as he embarks on a mission to rescue a kidnapped friend. The film will be included as a bonus feature on the upcoming Blu-ray release of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Fans are excited for this opportunity to see more of the witty and lovable Spider-Ham in action. With his humorous personality and unique abilities, Spider-Ham continues to capture the hearts of audiences young and old..
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was one of the most successful animated films of 2018, grossing an impressive $356 million worldwide in addition to being adored by critics and being nominated for the prestigious Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. Sony Pictures have undoubtedly raised the bar when it comes to comic book adaptations.
The superhero masterpiece hits home video next month, and Entertainment Weekly provided fans with a clip from Spider-Ham: Caught in a Ham, a short film which will be included in the bonus features. As its name suggests, the short will focus on Spider-Ham, the porcine incarnation of Peter Parker, who will once again be voiced by John Mulaney. However, unlike its feature-length counterpart, the short will use traditional hand-drawn animation as opposed to CGI. Caught in a Ham was directed by Miguel Jiron and produced by David Schulenburg, and yes, it will be filled with food-related puns.
The one-minute clip shows Spider-Ham proudly proclaiming his intentions to eat a delicious-looking hot dog (but don’t worry, he’s not a cannibal, because it’s 100% beef), before stumbling upon the innocuously named Evil Villain Lair, where he finds himself being ‘pignapped’.
Want to find out what happens next? Then you’ll have to purchase Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse on DVD or Blu-ray when it arrives in stores on March 19. And if you still can’t get enough of Spider-Ham, there’s even talk of the character getting his own feature-length spin-off. Although the world might not be ready for that many food puns.
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a highly successful animated film, is set to be released on home video next month. The DVD and Blu-ray will include a short film called “Spider-Ham: Caught in a Ham,” focusing on the porcine incarnation of Peter Parker. The one-minute clip released by Entertainment Weekly shows Spider-Ham encountering trouble after spotting a delicious hot dog. The short film will feature traditional hand-drawn animation and will be filled with food-related puns. Fans will have to purchase the film to find out what happens next. There is even talk of a potential spin-off featuring Spider-Ham.
Hashtags: #SpiderHam #Snuffles #Upcoming #Short #Film
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